
Cant Believe

Can't believe that Christmas is 4 days away from now.  I have a lot that I am grateful for this year.  I know that its not Thanksgiving, but Christmas time is the time to really believe in Miracles.  God has blessed me with a wonderful family, a great girlfriend, and several great friends, but there are four friends that I am most grateful for.  My mom, she has always been there for me as a friend for that I came to realize that each day that I spend with her is another cherish memory I have.  The same go for the rest.  But there is one person that I have to say she keeps me sane on the days that I know that I am losing my mind.  My brother helps me to a certain extent.  How can I forget my newest bestfriend Chris (owner of the blog The Knight Shift) .  I am so glad that my friends believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior and he is mine as well.  REMEMBER THE REAL REASON FOR THE SEASON. 


Disclamer: these pictures are not mine only using them for recreational


Remembering Leslie Nielsen

Leslie Nielsen, age 84, passed away today in his home surrounded by his wife, family, and friends. He was from Canada and from the terrority of Saskatchewan. He just went to sleep and never awoke.  God speed sir,  and I pray that one day I will be watching your show in heaven.  Nielsen was a very funny comedy actor back in the late seventies and eighties.  Big name movies you may remember him in is "Airplane" and "The Naked Gun" movies. 
Feb. 11, 1926 - Nov. 28, 2010


Im back

Sorry that I have been gone for about a month work has been really busy and really haven't felt like blogging, but I am back.


New Batman Movie title

The Dark Knight Rises is the new Batman title.  It start filming next summer.


Had a great time babysitting

Last night, my parents, my gf and I babysitted my niece avery.  I love spending so much time with my family, can't believe that I am going to miss the biggest game of all year tomorrow when WCU vs. ASU at WCU, but I won't be able to see it because my big brother Torry is getting married.


Yesterday and Today

Yesterday was a good day.  Mom had a Pampered Chef Party, some friends of her's came and then there was us kids here and my wonderful gf was here as well. :) My gf and I went riding on the four-wheeler and we were talking.  I told her that I started to sense some changes coming into our lives.  Today was a different story it was a rough and rocky road for my gf and me, but we overcame it.

Rest in Peace Gail Spencer Marble
You have touched so many lives including mine.


Pray thee ol' Lord for mercy
Right when its twilight
And the Sun's final beacon of light
Sheds across the land
That is when you can find the most
Peace within yourself.

May God call those weary and restless
Warriors to the Golden Shores of Heaven
So that they may rest and regain their strength.
For that greater love hath no man than this,
That a man lay down his life for his friends.*

*Bible Verse: John 15:13


Good Weekend

I had a very great weekend with my wonderful girlfriend and her family, but yesterday was the best day of all.  I was home for the first time on a Sunday that my brother and his family was over here.  My sister and her daughter were here, and me and my girfriend was here too.  Mom really enjoyed having all of her family here at home and everybody getting along with each other.

I finally talked to a friend of mine that is going through a hard time right now.  I am glad that he was able to come to me, to talk about things.  I know that God is there with him listening and carrying him through this trouble time.  Please pray for my friend God knows who it is. 


Its October

Well its October and that means that Breast Cancer awareness month.  Please support Breast Cancer awareness, its something women and men need to know about.  Support and let people know that you support the cause.  You wouldn't believe the ones who have breast cancer that live down on your block or even next door to you.
So please Support the Cause. 


I can't believe that the past three days have been really good. 


Wind Turbines in the Sea

The first and only operational Wind Farm in the world.  Located in the Thanet Offshore Wind Farm  off the Kent Coast.  Kent Coast is located near the southern portion of England.  The wind farm is about the size of 4,000 football fields and can power the whole country of Scotland and the Marjority of England.  This is the greatest achievement and advancement in renewable energy source.



Today was a good day. I had a decent day at work, came home to my loving family, and my wonderful and loving girlfriend.  I have realized, my girlfriend realizes, and now my mom knows that I have accepted to certain degree about her terminal illness, but I still not have fully accepted it and I guess that I don't want to.  I don't want to accept because I still think that her having cancer is a bad dream.  So that is all I got to say about that.


I know today is monday, but yesterday on Sunday I have learned a most important aspect on life.  No matter where you are at or what time it is somebody close to you is going to end needing medical assistance.  The most important thing that I learned is that Death is the only payment for sins, and that the Lord Jesus Christ made that payment for all of us in the world.  He is only one that died, buried, and risen from the grave. 


I have returned

I have returned so sorry I was gone for a few days my internet was down, but now I have return


The other night after a BBQ Supper at Monroeton Fire Department, my girlfriend Allison asked me why I did not talk about her on The Gentle Giant Express. You know that I could not come up with answer. Without much ado, the first post of to ever mention the real true love of my life Allison. It’s funny how she and I hooked up and started dating. Hahaha, which was a real fun night when we met for the first time, which was at the nursing home where both of our grandparents are at.

Allison’s mother and my mother were the best of friends growing up here in the Monroeton community. So they ran into each other at the nursing home and they were talking about us kids and about how we were doing. My mom told her mom that I was living at home, that I graduated from school, and was single. The only thing that was hampering me was a full-time job. Her mom told my mom about the same thing except that Allison has a full-time job as a School Teacher here in the County. When my mom saw me see told me that I needed to look up her up on Facebook. Well I did, I felt like it was God telling me that I needed to talk to this girl.

Allison has been there for me, she and I have been dating for a little over 8 months and she is the best thing that has ever happened to me. God has blessed me with a beautiful Christian girl that means a lot to me.   I pray that God continues to bless me with her love and friendship. 


September 11

September 11, 2001, nine years ago.  That will forever haunt me for the rest of my life.  That affected every human being in some way fashion or another.  I remember where I was that fateful day.  My Great-Aunt had just passed away and I was helping my brother mow my grandmaw's yard. I had just came home and turned the tv on to watch whatever what on. Four jetliners were used as missiles that killed right at 3000 people.   I waasn't really paying attention until they said "There's been a somewhat of airplane crash into one of the World Trade Center Towers then they say we are gettting reports that something crashed into the Pentagon." Then I remember watching and seeing the second airplane crash into the second tower, and I was like Oh My God what the hell happened.  I remember seeing people jumping out of the windows to their deaths.  The most haunting thing that I remember is sitting there in the living room and watching the Twin Towers collapse on live tv.  I ran outisde looking up to the Heavens and was looking for Jesus to be there in the sky because I thought it was the end of the world.

On September 11, 2001 the world was changed forever.  America was rushed out of its current era of peacful hope into an era of Terrorism on American soil.  Just about every American never thought that this would ever happen to us and it did.  Now people are living in fear of wondering when will the terrorist act happened.  That is the day that Democracy died and thus that is when Socialism was introduced to America.  It came like a thief in the night.  But that is not why I am here.

I am here to remember the 3,000 people that lost their lives that day.  343 of them were my brothers and sisters doing there job trying to save people and resuce those that were trapped at the top of the towers.  Lets not forget those that lost their lives at the Pentagon and in that Pittsylvania Field.  Flight 77 struck the Pentagon.  The plane did do a lot of damage, but if you look at the areial phot of it you will see that there could have been a lot more damage to the Pentagon.  There is a lot of spectulation about how Flight 77 was able to fly so low and cause so much damage.  These are questions that everybody has wanted to know and will probably never know.

Flight 93 was one of the four jetliners that was overtaken by terrorists on September 11, 2001.  There is a lot of spectulation about this flight.  I believe that the passengers of this flight tried to overtake the hijackers and were about to take over the cockpit when the terrorist's realized it and nose dived the plane in the middle of a field in the middle of nowhere. Everybody wishes they knew what really happened that fateful day, but we are not suppose to know the real truth about it. 

Post 9/11 people have been started to love their country and just about everybody has an american flag.  Please let us not forgot those that laid down their lives so that flag still high in the sky.  Let this tradition continue for we need to continue this morale for this great Country we call America.

I am asking one thing from my loyal readers this September 11, 2010
If you know anybody that is a first responder, Firefighters, police officers, or Emergency Medical Services people, and most importantly our men and women that are overseas fight for our freedom. All I ask is say just a small word of thanks is needed to be said. 


Meet me in the Stairwell

Here is a song that spoke to millions of people after the events of September 11, 2001

9 years tomorrow

I can't believe that it will 9 years tomorrow that the Terrorist Attacks happened here in America.



My last night working this week.  Yet I have to have a root canal tomorrow morning. I am off tomorrow, Saturday, and maybe even Sunday because I need some R&R..


Did you know

On September 8, 1966 Star Trek first priemered on NBC. 



I wish that this week was over I am so ready for a relaxing weekend.  I have been working a lot here lately and I need sleep so bad that about 10 pm I am ready for bed, but I don't go to bed until about 1 or so. Hahaha I am exactly starting to do excercises some like mostly sit-ups.  Friday morning will be real interesting I will be going to a gym since I went to WCU. 



What is this that I am feeling tonight? 
Is it tiredness?
Is it that I am becoming the person that I am suppsoe to be?
Is that I am so intune to nature that I can feel it suffer from the pain of the world?
Is it time for a new Job?

I wish that I had the answers, but I don't.

The Prophecy

Looking through the glass of time
Listening to the song of old forgeotten ages
I saw in the past of a prophecy that for told
A legendary hero that would be a link
To the past, present, and future of the human race
No one knows when the legendary hero will,
But the stars are telling another story.

Evil darkness returning to land,
Covering it in a blanket of
Jealousy, Power, Greed,
Returning to the hearts of men.
An unspeakable dark force rises against the royal family.
The unspeakable evil searches land for the sacred treasure of the land.

The Sages of Time pray that the legendary hero of time
Will come soon to save the world, 
The Royal family from the unspeakable evil,
And protect the sacred treasure that the royal family hides.

Two more Sections of this poem coming soon

Happy Labor Day

Its a day that most people get, but they still end up working yay...except for me I got to work all day.


What a great Labor Day weekend

What a great Labor Day weekend it has been thus far. Metroid: Other M beaten with 100% items collected and extra boss beaten.  The weather is just perfect for playing Ghostbusters now going to try and beat it now hahaha.

Finally Beaten Metroid: Other M

Best Game Ever
I have had this game for almost a week and I have beaten it yesterday afternoon.  Everything is so great in this game you get play even more after you beat the game.  Its worth playing and very worth getting


Metroid Review

Metroid: Other M Review

Right now I am still playing one the greatest games of the Metroid Series.  This game takes place right after Super Metroid and before Metroid Fusion.  The Beginning CG shows Samus Aran fighting Mother Brain on planet Zebes and the destruction of "Baby Metroid".  Sometime passes do not know how much time has passed, but you get this distress call from a Research Facility called the BOTTLE SHIP.  When arrive there you see another ship there in the hanger.  Samus realizes that she is not only one that responded to the distress signal.  She realizes its the Galatic Federation Unit that she once belong to before she became a bad ass Bounty Hunter.  Adam Malkovich was Samus Commander when she was in the Galatic Federation, throughout the game Samus takes orders from the Commander Malkovich and throughout her mission she meets up with other members of the unit. I don't want to spoil the game or the story.   You have to play to see what I am talking about, but you do see some interesting things about Samus Aran's past.  You do meet up with an arch enemy of Samus', but I am not going to spoil that for you.
Story: Its a very interesting one that brings a lot to light and we found out some her trouble past. 10/10
Graphics: The CG of game is out of this world, very good graphics 10/10
Longvity of Game: Its about 13 hours long nothing like the Metroid Prime games 8/10
Gameplay:  Its like the side scrolling games from the olden days (which is awesome), and there are times you have to switch to
first-person mode which is okay 9.5/10
Replayability: Once you play it and get all 100 % of items its nothing more to it, but remember Super Metroid was the same way, but I love it so much I think that I had beaten that game in just about 2 hours and 5 minutes.  6/10
Recommend:  That is a hell yes and a must play for all Metroid lovers and fans.

This review is my own opinion --Steven Glaspie


Thought of the day

Let God be your Pilot and not your Co-Pilot

My review of Metriod: Other M coming soon

Here is a picture from Metriod: Other M to help make you drool.

Update on my Mom

Mom is doing good right now, she is still fighting Breast Cancer, still hurt to deal with, but I am making it...Its been a year since we found out that she has Breast Cancer.  I am so glad that my mom still around.

I have Returned

I am sorry that I have been gone for so very long now. I promise that I am going to try to do better now.  I got so much to talk about its not even funny..


Thought of the day

U can't kill a person  with violence(some people like murders think its okay, but its not), but you can kill with overwhelming kindness. --Steven Glaspie

New Poem

I saw the mighty Beast stirring in its sleep
The Beast moving upon the land as quiet
As a thief in the night.
Hearing the Beast's stomach rumble across the
Its electrical hand touching and feeling the land below.
The mighty Beasts howls through the trees
It weeps for that it knows that it is shorted lived.

Everybody has seen the Beast more than enough, 
Some have seen the real destructive nature of the Beast.


Happy Mother's Day

Today please tell your mother Happy Mother's Day!!! You don't know how happy it would make your mother if you told her Happy Mother's Day. Only a few people on my blog know about my mother.  My mother has Breast Cancer Stage 4 and has gone to her bones.  Today is the first mother's day that we are dealing this as a family.  So please think that what if this is your mother enjoy, spend time with her, and if you haven't had contact with your mother please call her and make amends, even if it means get on a plane and fly just to see her and tell her how much you love her; you would be surprise how that would help mend broken hearts. 


Nightmare on Elm Street Review

Coming Tomorrow night


Thought of the day

People grow the hell up...Getting tired of Adults that are acting like children just because you can't have the Burger King way doesn't mean you should throw a damn fit like a five year old just because they aren't getting any candy...



Night turns into day,
Our feelings for each other are growing
Stronger everyday.
You being here for me when I need you the
Most makes me feel special. 
When you need me the most
I am always there by your side
And will never leave it until
You tell me that I need to go
So that I can rest myself,
And the same goes for when I need you the most
We know what it takes to make each other smile,
What it takes to make each other calm down,
And what it takes to make each other cry.
You are somebody so special to me that I have
To ask, "Are you an angel?"


Tooth Pulled

I had to have another tooth pulled today I thought that I needed to have two pulled, but the dear Lord showed me that only one had to be pulled...this tooth was near my sinus canal and my ear canal...Just waiting for my Sweetheart to get here after she gets out of a workshop.


Duke 2010 Championship Champs

Duke wins the 2010 NCAA tournament.  Butler did an outstanding job.
Congrats Duke

NCAA Championship Game

The North Carolina Duke Blue Devils are playing against Bulter,  its a very close game.. the game is up for grabs right now. I am proud that Duke is there, but I would like to see Bulter win it.


He is Risen

Today is Easter Sunday, Christians (which I am) all over the world celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.
And behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.
His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow:
And for fear of him the keepers the keepers did shake, and became of as dead men.
And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: For I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified.
He is not here: for he is risen, as he said Come, see the place where the Lord lay. 
--Mark 28 1:6
Fear not for that the Lord Jesus has risen from the grave and has conquered death, we shall rejoice and praise in His glory.

Happy Easter from the Gentle Giant Express


Family Guy

Family Guy is one the most watched show on Fox 8 at 9 pm only on Sunday's. Most people know that it also comes on Adult Swim Sunday's night at 10:30 and 11:00 pm and then Monday-Thursday at 11:00 and 11:30pm.  I can understand where people think that show is not good for the kids and its not when the kids are still in elementary school and middle school, but if you are in high school then watch the show. I will tell you this much that just about everybody in college watch it every night on adult swim.  I have to say some things are offense, but hey isn't all comdey some what offense?  I can't wait to see what the new shows are going to be like.


New Poem

Night turns into day
And yet the disease sleeps
Waiting to strike at a moments notice
I remember the great times,
I remember the times that I saw you suffer,
I prayed to God to let me suffer for you in your place.
I never wanted to see you suffer or for you to have a bad day,
While you are still here,
For everyday you are here laughing having a good time with us
Is a true blessing in my life.
My heart aches knowing that one day
You will not walk upon this earth
And be able to be there when I want to talk to you
When I need to anymore.

This poem goes out to my mom who is battling Breast Cancer.   Mom I love you


15 year old girl hangs herself

15 year-old Phoebe Prince committed suicide January 14th two days before a school dance in Northwestern Masschusetts, due to fellow classmates bullying her.  Now police have indicted 9  teenagers where they bullied her into committing suicide at her parent's home.  Prince and her family were immigrants from Ireland, she was the focus of her fellow students bullying her and even times within view of school staff and yet they did nothing to prevent the bullying from going any further than it did.  From January 14th until now there has been no action taken until they indicted nine of her fellow class mates.  The parents and some of the other parents of the community were in outraged that they asked for the Superintendent Gus Sayer to reassign from office.

*The students named in the indictments are Sean Mulveyhill, 17; Kayla Narey, 17; Austin Renaud, 18; Ashley Longe; 16, Flannery Mullins, 16; and Sharon Chanon Velazquez, 16. Mulveyhill and Renaud were the only students charged with statutory rape.*

The thing that gets me is that she was being bullied due to the fact that she was in a brief relationship with a guy.  When did that become a source for bullying? But I guess times have changed for the worse.
My thoughts and prayers go to the Prince family and may God Bless them and help them through this dark and difficult time.

*Gotten from Aol News
     Writer David Knowles
      http://www.aolnews.com/nation/article/phoebe-prince-suicide-leads-to-indictment-of-9-south-hadley-students/19418522. March 30, 2010.

Sunday's Unforgettable Weather

Sunday's weather is one for the record books here in the Peidmont of North Carolina.  I can't remember the last time we had really severe weather, I guess it was back in 1998 when Stoneville had there Tornado...I have to say that there was a lot of local heavy flooding as of today Troublsome Creek near where I live was barely below the bridge which is a good 8 ft. above the creek and today is the creek was like maybe a couple of feet below the bridge.


Finally Back On

After a few months I have been able to finally payed off my computer for the work that I had to have done on it.  So be expecting some great things coming to this Blog here in the future...

Well it looks like the Democrats Won?

Even though you see the majority of Democrats happy right now and they should be because the Health Care Reform is law now, but wait isn't it election year for us to vote for members of Congress and Senate?  Well I hate to say so, but it is, and guess you bet all of the money in the world that the Deomcrats will lose the biggest part of their numbers come this November.  And I pray that this nation will get back on track after this big mess that is going on Capitol Hill right now.


The Fourth Installment of Pirates...Get Ready to Set Sail

The fourth installment of Pirates of the Caribbean is Called Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.  This time Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) is racing against Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) for the Fountain of Youth. Penelope Cruz will be playing the part of Captain Jack's love interest.  In this installment the Notorious famous Blackbeard will be in this movie, played by Ian McShane, who will be Sparrow's nemesis. Movie coming out May 20th, 2011

Coming Soon New Poetry...Hopefully

Now since that I am about to get my laptop back I will be able to some serious blogging...I am trying to get my mind going again and seeing what avenues of new poetry come along...Who knows what it will bring...Hahaha


God Help Us All

I have to say that I am finally back on here blogging like I should...People can say that I have no common sense but I do...I have a right to express my views from my point of view...For the first time in my life I have to say that we are so screwed by our own government.  Did you know that this Health Care Reform will get rid of Insurance Departments in medical facilities? It will. May we Christians come and unite as one and pray for this nation for the time of Jesus' Second Coming is at hand now


Yay!!! Health Care Reform Passed....NOT

I am sorry to say that the government has passed the Very expensive Health Care Reform Bill tonight...What does this mean? This mean that our government one more step near of its socialism empire...the Vote passed by a 219-212 vote...So good luck people who don't have insurance, you better get it before 2014 or you will have to pay a fine just because you can't afford health care, isn't that a shame.


The Crazies

Okay this movie gets a 10 from me..
  Its about this small town out in Iowa, where the people for some odd start to go crazy, they start to go blank and then do murderous things to townsfolk.  Come to find out there was a military plane crash containing a pretty nasty virus that would turn people crazy and then they would died.  Well the military ended up coming in and destroyed just about the whole population, there were only two survivors.  I won't tell the rest you must go to see this movie if you are a fan of George Romero's works

StellarCon 34

Me alongside bestselling Star Wars authors Michael Stackpole, Timothy Zahn and Aaron Allston, StellarCon 34 in High Point NC, 03-06-2010

I have to say I had a great time at StellarCon 34 yesterday, even though its the first one that I have been too, meeting two authors who's books I have read and have to say that I could visualize the books in my mind...


Dream that I had the other night that still haunts me to this day

I had a dream the other night that still haunts my subconscious...
        I was at the beach with a former gf/fiance. We were doing good having a ball and all..  Next you know she stops talking to me doesn't even notices that I am there.  She was sitting on the beach playing a flute and I walked by, calling her name and she didn't even answer me.  Next thing that I know she is with another guy so I go running like I do sometimes and the scenery was that of the ROAD (very good moive by the way).  I woke up sweating and jumped to my feet.


Getting back into the groove of blogging

In November and  December I know I kind of fell off the map of the world of blogging.  I had some hard pressing issues that I had to deal with, one was finding myself and making sure that I was not going to cross the line into insanity, and the other one was trying to figure out. Now that both of those issues have been dealt, and my best friend Chris Knight has showed me what a true best friend is, he has opened my eyes to Warhammer 40k which I know that i will love once I make my legion of Space Marines. HAHAHA


FAREWELL 2009...WELCOME 2010!!!!

Well another year has come and gone just like a cool summer breeze...Its a year for the most part that I would like to relive again.  I am blessed that I have such good friends like my one my new best friends and fellow blogger Chris Knight of the Knight Shift. He has been there for me and I have been there for him. I am going to get into some Warhammer 40k on Saturday..  We are the ones who makes the year the best ever.