
Dream that I had the other night that still haunts me to this day

I had a dream the other night that still haunts my subconscious...
        I was at the beach with a former gf/fiance. We were doing good having a ball and all..  Next you know she stops talking to me doesn't even notices that I am there.  She was sitting on the beach playing a flute and I walked by, calling her name and she didn't even answer me.  Next thing that I know she is with another guy so I go running like I do sometimes and the scenery was that of the ROAD (very good moive by the way).  I woke up sweating and jumped to my feet.


  1. I've been having weird dreams for the past few weeks too. The other night I had one where I walked into my bedroom and there was some dead guy hanging from the ceiling.

    I don't know what bothered me more: the stiff or the fact that there's not really anything to be hung from in my room :-P

  2. I don't take dreams very seriously in general... If a dream is from God (as Christians believe some dreams can be) you will know it. (I had such an experience. It's an extraordinary, life changing experience. I also had quite a few "weird" dreams as well.) As the Bible says, there are dreams that come from our daily worries, etc. Weird dreams might fall in that category...
