
Happy Mother's Day

Today please tell your mother Happy Mother's Day!!! You don't know how happy it would make your mother if you told her Happy Mother's Day. Only a few people on my blog know about my mother.  My mother has Breast Cancer Stage 4 and has gone to her bones.  Today is the first mother's day that we are dealing this as a family.  So please think that what if this is your mother enjoy, spend time with her, and if you haven't had contact with your mother please call her and make amends, even if it means get on a plane and fly just to see her and tell her how much you love her; you would be surprise how that would help mend broken hearts. 


  1. We feel very sorry for your mother and we hope she becomes cancer free!!!!!!!!!!!
    And that was a really really sweet poem!!!!

  2. Thank you Barbara I am so sorry that I have not been on I have been busy with a lot of things here lately.
